Wednesday 18 March 2015

Hate pedos, threaten women and children

Not long ago, someone published a blog post that said that not all paedophiles abuse children, and not all child abusers are paedophiles.

The outrage and venom this small post received was staggering. Message after message called for the writer to be attacked, even murdered - some of which completely missed the irony of wanting to kill the blogger while saying quite seriously that attraction and interest invariably leads to action!

It never ceases to worry me that some people have such violent tendencies. It is a fact that not all paedophiles molest or abuse children, and it is also a fact that not everyone who molests or abuses children is a paedophile.  Not only that, but it is also true that many people who think about doing evil things never carry them out - obviously, or everyone would be killing everyone else all the time! (Except perhaps the violent subnormals who post hatred to blogs about paedophilia).

Now, this is all very well, and sadly not uncommon, but these people went further. Not only did they threaten the writer, they also threatened to attack his wife and family! These people - I use the word biologically rather than socially - decided that attacking innocent people, including women and children, threatening their safety and even their lives, just because someone wrote something they didn't like.

It's always notable, of course, that the haters never manage to put forward any sort of sensible argument for their views, they just rant and rave, in the mistaken belief that this somehow makes them look intelligent.

The blog post and its messages have now been removed, and hopefully the writer and his family are safe. But I can't help wondering, how do the attackers behave in day-to-day life? Do they go round threatening to kill anyone they disagree with? Do they, God forbid, have children of their own? How do they threat children - with love and kindness, or with hate, threats and violence? I'm afraid I know the answer, and it's not the nice one.

I'd much rather my children were friends with a paedophile, who I could trust not to do anything inappropriate, than one of these types, who seem incapable of controlling themselves.


Leonard Man said...

The haters - they seem to be infatuated with their hatred.

You'd think that if you point out to them any fact, experience or statistic that shows that paedophiles are less of a threat than the hysteria makes them out to be, they'd be pleased, relieved, glad for their children.

But no, they find it instead hugely offensive, to the point of wanting to destroy the person who's done the pointing out.

Their hatred and the grotesque products of the mob imagination with which they feed it, serve a positive function for these 'people'.

Same for the hysterical, ignorant mob throughout history. Look at photos of people at lynchings, at those who participated in Kristallnacht, in the mobs outside police stations when a suspected paedo is inside - they're smiling, they're enjoying themselves!

They need their hate.

LeX said...

Leonard, my apologies for taking so long to approve your post. For some reason the notification didn't come through so I didn't know it was there!

The fact that some of these "haters" have children of their own, or are in positions of authority like teachers, is frightening. How do we know they wouldn't start treating their children like they say they want to treat us?


Leonard Mann said...

>"Leonard, my apologies for taking so long to approve your post. For some reason the notification didn't come through so I didn't know it was there!"

No problem, LeX - I know that over at Wordpress notifications don't always come through, so I guess it's the same at Blogger!


PDJr said...

Thank you for courageously speaking the truth!